In this week's video, Ibarionex discusses the importance of trusting your composition. He discusses how fixed visual elements in a scene allow a photographer to find their composition. He explains how fluid elements such as people, animals, and even light can be added to the photograph. He stresses the importance of remaining true to the composition and not compromising the shot for the transitory elements.
Read MoreWebinar: Light & Shadow
In this live webinar conducted through Rocky Nook publishing, I discuss the role of light and shadow and how it can elevate your photography. The discussion is tied to the release of my new book Making Photographs: Developing a Personal Visual Workflow.
Read MorePhoto: Alan Shulik
Working with Quality Light: Images from the Flickr Pool
In this week's video, Ibarionex discusses the importance of the quality of the light and why it may be important for a photographer to find a way to find and take advantage of good light.
Read MoreEbook Recommondations
It is important for me to examine different approaches to photography. Though I have been photographing for years and have found an approach that really works for me, I am always open to learning from others, especially when other photographers have a different perspective.
Read MorePhoto: Moise Levi
Street Photography Anywhere: Images from the Flickr Pool
In this week's video, Ibarionex discusses how good street photography can be created even if you are not in a big city with a lot of foot traffic. By paying attention to light and shadow, you can discover scenes that can result in some wonderful photography.
Read MoreCapturing the Embrace: Images from the Flickr Pool
In this week's video, Ibarionex discusses how to capture intimate photographs of human affection. He explains why it is important to not only capture the moment of human interaction but also to carefully consider the other elements within the frame.
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Street Photography Sans People: Images from the Flickr Pool
In this week's video, Ibarionex discusses how great street photography does not always have to rely on the presence of people. He explains how evaluating a scene for light & shadow, line & shape, color and gesture helps you to produce wonderful photographs of the most mundane scenes.
Read MorePhoto: Hannelore und Rolf Becker
Shadow Play: Images from the Flickr Pool
In this week's video, Ibarionex talks about using shadow to draw the viewer’s eye to the most important element(s) in the frame. It’s not about simply producing a high-contrast shot, but rather using the presence of shadow to control the viewer’s experience of the photograph by directing the eye to the highlights and midtones.
Read MoreStreet Photography: Making Rather Than Taking
In this week's video, Ibarionex talks about the concept of making a photograph rather than simply taking one. He shares how by paying attention to light, line, shape and color, you can begin to find order in even the most chaotic scenes and begin the process of creating a strong and effective photograph.
Read MorePhoto: Andy Shields
Wait For It: Images from the Flickr Pool
In this week's video, Ibarionex talks about the importance of waiting for something to happen when photographing a street scene. He impresses why it can make the difference between a snapshot and a great street photograph.
Read Morephoto: Marcello Ceraulo
Using the Silhouette: Images from the Flickr Pool
In this video, Ibarionex discusses how to use the silhouette as a key element in an overall composition. Rather than fixating on the subject alone, Ibarionex discusses the importance of considering elements of light, shadow, pattern and color in the overall composition.
Read Morephoto: Dominic Bugatto
Staying Aware of the Light: Images from the Flickr Pool
This week Ibarionex pulls images from The Candid Frame Flickr pool to discuss the importance of staying aware of light even when moving through the most ordinary and mundane situations.
Read MoreImages from the Flickr Pool: Creative Shadows
In this week's video, Ibarionex talks about the creative use of shadows in photo compositions. He explores the idea of not just using shadows as a counterpoint to the subject, but rather as the anchor in the photograph.
Read MoreStreet Photography: Building the Shot
In this video, I discuss my approach for making a recent photograph on the streets of Downtown Los Angeles. Using a Samsung NX1 and a 30mm lens, I describe how I used my awareness of light, shadow and setting to help build the potential for a satisfying street photograph.
Read Morephoto: SaiMon HoSain
Seeing the Lights First: Images from the Flickr Pool
In this video, we talk about seeing the light first in a scene to improve the quality of composition and take advantage of contrast. Using images submitted to The Candid Frame podcast Flickr pool, Ibarionex, demonstrates how seeing light and shadow can make a huge difference in a photograph..
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Looking at Shadows - Images for the TCF Flickr Pool
In this video, we explore the importance of the shadow. Shadow can not only tell us a lot about the quality of the light, but it can also provide a context for the brighter areas of the frame. Though it can obscure certain detailed with in the composition, it can actually help to reveal the most important element within the frame whether it's color, texture, shape, line or even a gesture.
Culled from images submitted by listeners to The Candid Frame, we briefly share how you might use shadow in your images to create images with greater impact.
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