Guest Post: The Evolution of Traveling Light - Todd Hatakeyama

Even before I started working as a photographer, I fell in love with photography by taking pictures on vacation. After several years of venturing to many parts of the globe, I’ve found that arguably the biggest challenge of travel photography is the travel itself. By trial and error, I’ve developed some handy strategies to make the logistics of traveling easier, and I thought I’d pass them on in hopes that others might learn from my experiences, good and bad. A few of my tips:

TRAVEL LIGHT! As a guiding principle, this maxim would seem to be a no-brainer. But as a diehard gear-head, I know how easy it is to succumb to the temptation to take along too much equipment. When you’re about to embark on a once-in-a-lifetime excursion to exotic places, your mind reels with all the possible photo opportunities you might encounter, none of which you want to miss. You just might want this lens or that accessory with you…and before you know it, you’re lugging a ton of gear through airport security.


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The Candid Frame Phone and Tablet App

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We are working on the release of a new and revised app for the The Candid Frame. This new app will work on both the iOS and Android operating systems. We are hoping it will be released into the wild in the coming weeks.  

Though we could offer the app for a price point of $2.99 or $1.99, we want to be able to provide the app for free to everyone. To do so and to keep our costs down we are asking for at least 24 listeners to make a one-time donation of $10 to pay for the additional monthly cost we would incur by offering the app at no cost to our listeners for the next two years. 

If you and just 23 other listeners contribute to this effort, you will not only have a great alternative to download all our content to your smart device, but you will also help us to increase awareness of the show and the great content we provide on The Candid Frame. Should we receive more than the amount we are asking, those funds will go to offset the monthly cost of storage and bandwidth needed to deliver the show to you each week. 

Take the time to click on the donate button below and help make this happen and to make TCF the best source for inspiration and information about photography on the web. 

And please remember to add a short note explaining that you are donating funds specifically for the TCF app.