The Candid Frame Live - The Ethics of Photographing the Homeless

In our latest Google+ Hangout, we discuss the ethics, challenges and personal choices involved in making photographs of the homeless or less fortunate. The discussion revolves not how each photographer makes their own personal choices of what they will or will not shoot, as well as share stories about how these images should and can be used to benefit people that the world treats as invisible. 

Announcement: Listener Profiles on TCF


As part of our expansion of what we're doing with The Candid Frame, we are going to begin including postings which we call Listener Profiles. It will provide us an opportunity to share the work of the talented photographers who listen to TCF, but who may or may not have had a chance to be interviewed on the show. 

With these we will be including a portfolio of up to 10 images from each photographer with their responses to a few questions about themselves and their work. 

We will be reaching out to some photographers whose work we have been noticing here on Google+, Facebook  and on The Candid Frame Flickr group as part of our initial launch of this new feature. 

If you are interested, please feel free to post an album of your work on your Flickr account, Google+, Facebook page or online gallery. We am not looking to see all that you've done, but rather a tight edit of no more than 10 images that you believe best represents your work and where you are with your photography today. 

It's our hope that this new addition to  TCF will help people discover more great photographers, some of whom may be in their own backyard. Most importantly, it will help us to further build a community which shares a mutual passion for making photographs. 

We welcome your contributions. 

You can e-mail us your links or questions to

Please note that we will not accept images as e-mail attachments. 


The Digital Photo Experience podcast interviews Ibarionex

I was recently interviewed by Juan Pons for the podcasts with Rick Sammon, The Digital Photo Experience. This time I got to be on the receiving end of the Q&A and I discuss my own podcast, The Candid Frame. I talk about how taking risks and working with mirror-less camera has impacted my photography. 

If you have not listened to this show, you should as it's one of the best resources for the technical side of photography as well as same wonderful interviews with photographers. Check them out at the link below. 

You can download the episode by clicking here. Or you can visit their website