Sam Abell, Arthur Meyerson and George Nobechi recently shared a “buddy trip”, traveling through the heart of Japan via train. While George lives in Japan, Arthur and Sam have frequently traveled to the country on assignment and to teach workshops. However, this trip was a very personal one, which allowed these three friends to do more than photograph together, but to also share a wealth of unique cultural and personal experiences.
Read MoreThe Discoveries of Risk: Images from the Flickr Pool
In this week's video, Ibarionex discusses the importance of taking risks and how they can result in insights that will help your photography.
Normally, each week we pull images submitted by listeners to The Candid Frame Flickr pool. You can submit images for consideration in these weekly videos as well as become part of a growing community of photographers.
Read MoreThe Candid Frame #463 - Sara Terry
Sara Terry is an award-winning documentary photographer and filmmaker known for her work covering post-conflict stories, and a 2012 Guggenheim Fellow for her long-term project, “Forgiveness and Conflict: Lessons from Africa.” Her first long-term post-conflict work, “Aftermath: Bosnia’s Long Road to Peace,” led her to found The Aftermath Project in 2003 on the premise that “War is Only Half the Story.” An accomplished speaker on aftermath and visual literacy issues, her lectures include a TEDx talk, “Storytelling in a Post-Journalism Word,” and several appearances at The Annenberg Space for Photography.
Read MoreComposing Around Gesture: Images from the Flickr Pool
In this week's video, Ibarionex discusses the importance of gesture and how to build a composition around it.
Normally, each week we pull images submitted by listeners to The Candid Frame Flickr pool. You can submit images for consideration in these weekly videos as well as become part of a growing community of photographers.
Read MoreThe Candid Frame #462 - Roland Miller
Miller’s project, Abandoned in Place: Preserving America’s Space History, documenting the deactivated and repurposed space launch and test facilities around the United States was published by the University of New Mexico Press.
Color as an Element vs Subject: Images from the Flickr Pool
In this week's video, Ibarionex discusses how to consider color as a visual element and not just as the subject of your photograph. By stripping away the color in several submitted photographs he demonstrates why it’s important to still consider line and shape, gesture and tonal contrast in building your composition.
Read MoreThe Candid Frame #461 - Thomas Michael Alleman
Thomas Alleman was born and raised in Detroit, where his father was a traveling salesman and his mother was a ceramic artist. He graduated from Michigan State University with a degree in English Literature.
During a fifteen-year newspaper career, Tom was a frequent winner of distinctions from the National Press Photographer's Association, as well as being named California Newspaper Photographer of the Year in 1995 and Los Angeles Newspaper Photographer of the Year in 1996.
Read MoreMaking Different Choices: Images from the Flickr Pool
In this week's video, Ibarionex discusses why it’s important to consider more than one perspective when making photographs. Rather than always photographing from eye-level or from a given distance, a photographer can produce images with more impact and intimacy.
Read MoreThe Candid Frame #460 - Barbara Peacock
Barbara Peacock is currently working on her project, American Bedroom. It is a cultural and anthropological study of Americans in their private dwelling: their bedroom. The nature of the project comprises portraits of individuals, couples, and families that reveal the depth of their character and spirit.
Read MorePutting It All Together: Images from the Flickr Pool
In this week's video, Ibarionex discusses the importance of the visual draws of light and shadow, line and shape, color and gesture. He emphasizes how by carefully considering all these elements to serve your subject produces better photographs.
Read MoreThe Candid Frame #459 - Nico Therin
Nico Therin is a Los Angeles based French photographer. For as long as he can remember, he has been attracted to form and color, but it wasn’t until he moved from France to the United States to follow his exchange student high school sweetheart that he entertained the idea of studying photography.
Read MoreIbarionex's Appearance on Scott Kelby's The Grid
I was honored with the opportunity to appear as a guest on Scott Kelby’s The Grid to talk on the topic of street photography and my latest book, Making Photographs: Developing a Personal Visual Workflow. It was great fun and it was a pleasure to spend time with Scott who I first interviewed for TCF in Ep. 119.
Read MoreThe Candid Frame #458 - Meryl Meisler
Meryl Meisler frequented and photographed the infamous New York Discos. As a 1978 CETA Artist grant recipient, Meryl created a portfolio of photographs which explored her Jewish Identity for the American Jewish Congress. After CETA, Meryl began a 31-year career as an NYC Public School Art Teacher.
Read MoreWhen to Go Vertical: Images from the Flickr Pool
In this week's video, Ibarionex discusses how and why he chooses to create a vertical rather than a horizontal composition. He explains how choosing to go vertical can eliminate distracting elements from the composition while at the same time emphasizing the presence of repeating lines and shapes.
Read MoreThe Candid Frame #457 - Mark Thiessen
Mark Thiessen has been a photographer with National Geographic since 1990 and on staff since 1997.
He is widely published in all areas of the National Geographic Society, including National Geographic magazine, National Geographic Adventure magazine, and National Geographic Traveler magazine. National Geographic books that feature Thiessen's work include Return to Midway, which documents the discovery of the U.S.S. Yorktown, and Baseball as America, a look at the Baseball Hall of Fame.
Read MoreThe Candid Frame #456 - An Rong Xu
An Rong Xu is a New York City-based photographer and director. Born in China and raised in New York City’s Chinatown, Xu explores the world around him through his unique cultural perspective.
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